Thursday 11 June 2009

May day

Such a busy month...

activity: Crabbing
Venue: Glenelg

the net we used to catch crabs...
yikeat n kammun were untying them...

huh? what's this? Dumpling?
it's so cold that she said she just wanna stand din feel like moving...
such a joker

catching time...throwing the net into the sea!!!

huh? look at it is snapper!!!
snappers eats crabs....
how could we catch crabs with snapper head!!!
not a brilliant idea...

1st crab...
look at it's salmon head
crab ar crab...u r so luck for having salmon head as dinner but too bad...u would be our dinner later... O.O

it's doggie shark...caught by local ppl there

it was released back to the sea but its protecting part was removed due its market value...
i don't think it could leave longer...

star fish, another animal caught by us...

dinner time...
main course: tofu crab soup (3 crabs)
side dishes: chicken, meat n left over salmon head
serves: 10 ppl

this joker, doing mask, using man's mask at others place...=.="

drinking time...

me? sure, I did drink...
1st time drinking that much...very uncomfortable
bloating...cos of liquor of soft drink?
though it's just a few steps away from my apartment...but i decided to stay there for a night

activity: wesak day
venue: victoria square

food fair, performances....

focus on the one with orange...

what's he doing? covering his nose?
somebody farted?

last perfomance...a story of a monk.

activity: Rachel birthday's party
venue: basement, UV apartment

girls' photo
look at the purple mama sang...the host

strawberry cake by mama sang...
small but really nice...
with all fresh ingredients...

mama sang n Rachel

activity: My bday dinner
venue: scoozi

piggies...left out jo...she was in Berri...

thank you everyone with all the blessings...

activity: present time
venue: 1006

3 pinkishes...

my presents, from top to the bottom...

veron tried to kill me...

crazy joann..

thank you for ur handsewed

activity: Joan's visit
venue: Adelaide

activity: phantom night
venue: entertainment center, Hindmarsh

pregnant lady...wahhahaha...

activity: dragon boat festival
venue: uncle william's house, Burnside

big n small Daniels...

such a lovely father n son

activity: Medal jam finale
venue: the rabbit hole, hindley street

freak elite

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