Tuesday 14 September 2010


'wah, the mirror is so big! Wah, the table is so big!!!! Wah!! wah!!wah!!!' people would say that when first seen my room.

'Wah the Fuck!!! wah the Fcuk!!!' but, this is what i think!! it would be nice if thing is practical...but this...WTF!!! the mirror so big for what?!!! can only see half the body...r u a ghost?!! only has half body?!! or u just flying one...oh yea~~~if that u definitely won't scratch the floor...the table so big for what?!!! cos of it, i can't push my bed all the to the wall...would u like it if u kick something while u r sleeping?!!! i have tolerated myself for all this...but what the FUCK....others would just say 'y can't u be consideration for others? y can't u just (this)...(that)....' does anyone consider my feeling?

ya the house is nice but sorry i dun appreciate it...cos of such a landlord...i would rather have the small cosy UV especially when ur privacy is not being interupted...inspect! inspect! inspect! then nagging! nagging! nagging!...i dun enjoy staying here at all!!!!paying such a rate with such house n location ya...it worth!!!! oh well....ya, cheaper than UV, bigger than UV, nicer than UV.....but i dun enjoy...what is this for?!!! Last year in Australia?!!! bad bad lousy FUCK suck impression for me....SUCK Susanne FUCK Susanne just won't let me to have a peaceful time...since the first time i talked to her....i dun like her....maybe she thought that way to me as well....but i dun care!!!! u thought u r the landlord, then can just walked into others house like that?!!! u thought u urself is the landlord can just disturb others to the max with a sms like that?!!! Renovate woooo....'i just want to please everyone so...' if u r out my sign then i would be happy....looking at u, i dunno how to smile...sorry i can't smie at people i dun like n when i m not happy....not like u...fake people....(these r people who can win in this real life....i would be a looser...i know...)


This year is such a SUCK SUCK year....especially when my life has first tied up with her....staying in her apartment is the start of my nightmare....i can't deny that my personality has changed a lot in this year....

i dunno since when i start to be hatred...never have such thing before in Msia....


Veron said...

Hey Zoe!This post of yours took me by surprise. Did you shift house again?

unicornzoe said...

no...jus my super suck landlord...fussy bloody bitch